

I brand myself as Udaign, that goes as Uday Design.

More about yourself?

Sure, my name is Udaya Bhaskar Mahadevu. I am a sophomore at IIT Kharagpur, pursuing my B.Tech degree in Manufacturing Science and Engineering. My passion lies in building tech ground-up whether it is software or hardware, just like The Browser Co. does for browsing, and Teenage Engineering does for hardware design - to rethink the whole thing and crafting the best possible experience with user as the focal point.

Sounds like you handle a lot.

I am a design generalist, who tried a lot including Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, 3D Modeling and Rendering, UI/UX Design and Industrial Design.

I narrowed down my interests and currently I am focusing on Industrial Design, UX Design and 3D Media Production.

That was some ride in all those interesting fields.

It indeed was! And I firmly believe that this unique set of skills helps me provide extra value to the works that I do for Hardes or other firms that I might work for.